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How to renew/terminate your ValeryVPS
How to renew/terminate your ValeryVPS

After your free ValeryVPS 1 month period ends, you’ll need to decide if you want to keep your server by moving to a paid plan, or to terminate the server.

Two weeks before your period ends, we’ll make a window available in the ValeryVPS section of your user dashboard, where you’ll be able to make your decision. If you decide to keep it, you’ll start paying monthly invoices of $30 to directly, and if you decide to terminate it, the server will be deleted.

Mind that not making a decision within the two weeks prior to your 1 month period expiration, will result in server termination, so make sure to make your decision as soon as you can. We’ll notify you via email as well, to make sure you do not miss it.

To decide if you want to renew/terminate your ValeryVPS, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your user dashboard

  2. Head to the ValeryVPS section

  3. Click on the “ValeryVPS renewal/termination” button

  4. Decide if you want to keep or terminate your server by checking the “I want to keep my server” or “I do not want to keep my server” boxes


5. Confirm your decision by clicking on the “Confirm decision” button.

Based on your decision, your server will be kept online or terminated at the end of your 1 month period.

Remember that if you do not make a decision before your period ends, your server will be automatically terminated.

If kept online, there will be no changes to your server, and you’ll be receiving invoices from the first day of each month. You’ll have 4 days in total to pay for said invoices to avoid server suspension and 3 days after that to avoid server termination.

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What is ValeryVPS?
How to get a ValeryVPS
How to update your EAs/news & events file