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How to install the EAs with MQL5 marketplace installation
How to install the EAs with MQL5 marketplace installation

The MQL5 marketplace installation allows you to download, install and set up my Expert Advisors in your MQL5 VPS or own computer after making a purchase on the MQL5 marketplace.

This method requires you to:

  1. Create an account in the MQL5 marketplace

  2. Purchase my Expert Advisor(s) through the MQL5 marketplace

  3. Download my Expert Advisor(s) to your MetaTrader terminal on your MQL5 VPS or own pc

  4. Activate my Expert Advisor(s) on your MetaTrader terminal on your MQL5 VPS or own pc

  5. Make some special configurations to your MetaTrader platform to allow my EAs to trade 

  6. Load my EAs in your MetaTrader platform charts

As you can see, there are quite a few steps that need to be followed.

An extensive guide on how to do all this can be found in this MQL5 article.

If you’re already a MQL5 marketplace user and prefer to keep your Expert Advisors within their platform, feel free to do so.

For all the setup methods the Expert Advisors are exactly the same, and the results you get will not be directly affected by any of them.

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How to install the EAs with "Manual installation"
How to install the EAs with "Easy installation"
How to install the Expert Advisors