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How to get a ValeryVPS
How to get a ValeryVPS

There are two ways in which you can gain access to a ValeryVPS server:

  1. By starting a free trial for any of our Expert Advisors and installing it using the “Easy installation”.

Using the easy installation, you can get free access to a ValeryVPS for the duration of your free trial. Therefore, you’ll get access to the server for a maximum of 14 days. If you want to activate your ValeryVPS server when you’re halfway through your trial, you will get access to it for one week, until your trial ends.

Mind that you will only get access to a ValeryVPS server for your first Expert Advisor trial. That means if you already got access to a server while on trial before, you will not be eligible to get it once again.

In order to keep your ValeryVPS, you will need to purchase an Expert Advisor license. If you buy any EA license before your 14 days trial expire, you’ll get to keep your server for free, for a period of 1 month from the moment of your purchase. If you do not buy any EA license before your trial period expires, the server will be automatically terminated.

2. By buying an Expert Advisor license and activating your server through your user dashboard.

Once you purchase an Expert Advisor license, you can get free access to a ValeryVPS server for a period of 1 month.

Two weeks before your 1 month period ends, you’ll have the possibility to keep your server by moving to a paid plan provided directly by at $30 per month, or simply terminate your server.

If you do not make a decision within those two weeks prior to your 1 month period end, your server will be terminated automatically.

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What is ValeryVPS?
How to update your EAs/news & events file
How to renew/terminate your ValeryVPS