Once you load Golden Pickaxe on your chart, pop-up box will appear showing the settings of your EA. Make sure that all the settings and alerts are correct before clicking OK.
Golden Pickaxe time settings:
Hour to Start Trading - hour to start trading (for initial orders only).
Minutes to Start Trading - minutes to start trading (for initial orders only).
Hour to Stop Trading - hour to stop trading (for initial orders only).
Minutes to Stop Trading - minutes to stop trading (for initial orders only).
Trade on Monday - enable/disable trading on Monday.
Trade on Tuesday - enable/disable trading on Tuesday.
Trade on Wednesday - enable/disable trading on Wednesday.
Trade on Thursday - enable/disable trading on Thursday.
Trade on Friday - enable/disable trading on Friday.
Rollover Start Hour - rollover start hour.
Rollover Start Minutes - rollover start minutes.
Rollover End Hour - rollover end hour.
Rollover End Minutes - rollover end minutes.
Send Orders During Rollover - enable/disable sending orders (including grid trades) during rollover time.
Remove TakeProfit During Rollover - removes TP for all orders at the specified rollover time. This option helps to avoid closing trades via TP during bad trading conditions since slippage can turn a profitable trade into a losing one.