Once you load Golden Pickaxe on your chart, pop-up box will appear showing the settings of your EA. Make sure that all the settings and alerts are correct before clicking OK.
Golden Pickaxe take-profit settings:
TakeProfit for Initial Trade, in pips - take profit for the initial trade (if no grid trades opened)
Weighted TakeProfit? - if true, TP decreases in proportion to the open volume of the grid levels (the Grid TP is weighted by volume). This allows keeping the initial TP unchanged in money after adding new averaging trades
TakeProfit for Grid, pips (can also be 0/negat. for emergency) - take-profit for the grid (if at least one averaging trade is open). Allows any value, including zero and negative. When set to 0 all TP are set to breakeven
Break Even (TP) after this Level [0-disabled] - break even feature after the specified Grid level is reached
Hide TakeProfit? - on/off take-profit hiding
Do not adjust TP unless new grid level opened - if true, the EA will adjust TP of open positions only when a new grid level is opened. The user can manually set their own TP, which will stay current until the EA opens a new grid level
TakeProfit #1/2/3 after this Level [0-disabled] - adjusts the TP once the specified Grid level is reached
TakeProfit #1/2/3 after X bars [0-disabled] - adjusts the TP after reaching a specified number of bars
TakeProfit #1/2/3 [can also be negat., 0-breakeven] - take profit for grid after reaching a specified number of bars or grid level. Values can be positive, negative, or 0 – breakeven