Once you load Golden Pickaxe on your chart, pop-up box will appear showing the settings of your EA. Make sure that all the settings and alerts are correct before clicking OK.
Golden Pickaxe Machine stop-loss settings:
TakeProfit for Initial Trade, in pips - take profit for the initial trade (if no grid trades opened)
StopLoss for Grid, in pips (50000 pips if zero) - stop-loss for the initial/grid trades
Hide StopLoss? - on/off stop-loss hiding
Trailing SL Size, in pips [0-disabled] - trailing stop in pips based on the grid breakeven point (=weighted average entry price of all orders including SWAPs and commissions)
Trailing SL Start, in pips - number of pips in profit at which the trailing SL is activated
Randomize Order/TP Levels - if enabled, the EA will randomly slightly change the TP/SL levels. This option allows you to have a unique TP/SL
Max Random Delay before sending Orders, sec [0-disabled] - maximum random delay in seconds before sending an order. Values over 15 seconds are not recommended
Allow sending SL along with an order (for a non-ECN acc.) - if true, then the EA will send SL along with orders. If false, then SL will be set after the order is sent and executed