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Golden Pickaxe: How to train Perceptron
Golden Pickaxe: How to train Perceptron

1.       Select a long backtest period. I recommend using at least 10 years. I also advise to put a small SL, for example a value of 100 pips. This will increase the number of trades and training data size

2.       Set Use Built-in Perceptron Configuration to false

3.       Set Perceptron Training Mode (Tester only) to true and run backtest with a fixed lot

4.       Watch the logs, when the training is over, you will see messages like this: 2022.11.22 10:24:42.767 Core 001         2012.12.31 23:59:59   GP ->: Buy(Sell) entries: Perceptron learning has been completed successfully

The backtest result will not be good, but it doesn't matter. Training can take a long time!

5.       Set Perceptron Training Mode (Tester only) to false and run backtest again. This backtest should be much better

6. Set SL back to its value

If you want to use the custom training results on another computer, you need to move Perceptron_Config.txt to it.

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Golden Pickaxe: Description & Features
Golden Pickaxe: MyFxBook & MQL5 Live Signal
Golden Pickaxe: Back-testing
Golden Pickaxe: How to install
Golden Pickaxe: Risk management
Golden Pickaxe: MM & Risk settings
Golden Pickaxe: Time settings
Golden Pickaxe: Grid settings
Golden Pickaxe: Strategy
Golden Pickaxe: Machine Learning setup
Golden Pickaxe: Perceptron training
Golden Pickaxe: Take-profit settings
Golden Pickaxe: Stop-loss settings
Golden Pickaxe: News filter settings
Golden Pickaxe: Stock market crash filter settings
Golden Pickaxe: Back-test settings
Golden Pickaxe: Additional settings