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"My broker leverage is limited to 1:30. Would it be beneficial to choose another broker with higher leverage for the longer term?"
"My broker leverage is limited to 1:30. Would it be beneficial to choose another broker with higher leverage for the longer term?"

If you plan on using higher than low risk settings with the Perceptrader AI EA, I recommend having a higher than 1:30 leverage. With a 1:30 leverage, you can only use low risks. Otherwise, you may run out of margin one day. After all, that's the reason for leverage restrictions - to make sure you can't use high risks in trading. However, if you are satisfied with using low risks, you can use them with such leverage.

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"What should I do to make the EA FIFO-compatible?"
"What brokers can I work with? Can it be «<insert your broker name here>»?"
"What type of account should I use - Standard, Raw Spread?"
"What is the difference between the MQL5 and licenses?"
"Should I use the AI filter with Perceptrader AI or not?"
"How many of your EAs can I run on ValeryVPS?"
"Is Perceptrader AI the best of your EAs for prop firms, or do you suggest buying another of your products?"
"I tried downloading the latest EA version, but I still get an old one from the website. How can I solve it?"
"I would like to buy the EA from you. How many accounts can I use it on?"